Yuthok's Heart Teachings

Yuthok's Heart Teachings offers a very rare opportunity to receive a complete overview of the Yuthok Nyingthig lineage, with in-depth teachings, transmissions, and direct step-by-step guidance through each of the practices taught by lineage-holder Dr. Nida Chenagtsang.
Yuthok's Heart Teachings consists of recordings of 30 three-hour live online teachings given over the course of 100 days in 2020. Weekly guided sessions will be offered by Donla Tsering and Christiana Polites with a monthly live teaching and QnA session with Dr. Nida, reading transmissions and empowerment.

Included in this comprehensive course are all Yuthok Nyingthig digital practice manuals, supplementary audio and video files, visualization images, and additional prayers, new translations, practice guides, and course notes with key terminology related to the teachings.

New cohort begins Fall 2024

This course is designed both for new students, as well as students who participated in the original live version of this course and would like to deepen their practice (50% reduced tuition for repeat students).

Sliding scale tuition. Enrollment coming soon

Mirror of Light

One year dharma immersion taught by Lama Justin von Bujdoss, based on the text Mirror of Light: A Commentary on Yuthok's Ati Yoga by Dr. Nida Chenagtsang.

Ati Yoga (Tibetan: Dzogchen) is the most simple, direct, and profound path to reveal the sky-like nature of our own mind which is clear, vast, and unobstructed by the clouds of afflictive emotions.
In this year long meditation-focused immersion, students will be guided through the steps of Ati Yoga practice as taught by Yuthok Yönten Gönpo, the 12th Century father of Tibetan Medicine

Each week students will be given instruction on the practices, beginning with Guru Yoga, progressing through the Dzogchen special preliminaries (Inner and Outer Rushen) and the actual preliminaries of training body, speech, and mind with Vajra Posture, the Hung Syllable, and mind investigation. The year will finish instructions on Kadak (Primordial Purity) and Trekchöd (Cutting Through Hardness).
Guided practice sessions will be an integral part of this program, providing students with the the time to familiarize themselves with and deepen the connection to the practices in a supported group online setting with regular opportunities for questions and discussion.

Optional bi-annual in person retreats at Pure Land Farms for students of this course.

Next cohort begins January 2024

Current Yuthok Nyingthig Programs

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Pure Land Farms

Yuthok Nyingthig group retreats take place regularly at Pure Land Farms as well as opportunity for solitary retreat in healing sanctuary in California.
(Pure Land Farms Tuscany, Italy coming soon)