SRI Tibetan Language

SRI offers ongoing Tibetan language courses to our students and sangha that meet once weekly in 12-week trimesters. On completion of each level students shall be able to:

Tibetan 1.1
- Recognize and write the Tibetan alphabet
- Use Tibetan dictionaries to widen their vocabulary
- Give an outline of the history of the alphabet
- Read and understand simple sentences in Tibetan

Tibetan 1.2
- Use the Wylie Romanization system to read and write Tibetan
- Express themselves clearly at the basic level
- Engage in conversations about various topics covered in the lessons
- Use simple grammatical structures
- Read and understand utterances and short passages

Tibetan 1.3
- Express themselves clearly at the basic level
- Engage in conversations about various topics covered in the lessons
- Use and understand core grammatical concepts
-Read and understand utterances, short passages and some classical texts

Tibetan 2.1
- Understand familiar topics in Tibetan spoken at a normal pace
- Converse with native speakers of Tibetan on familiar topics
- Read and write short texts on familiar topics.

Tibetan 2.2
- Translate a wide range of texts at the intermediate level, such as classical texts and fictitious stories
- Apply appropriate English vocabularies and structures when performing translations
- Solve translation problems using dictionaries, grammar books and online resources.

Tibetan 2.3
-analyze, interpret and debate a selection of classical works·
- demonstrate the ability to independently complete a short essay that meets basic requirements, and reflect on the writing process.

Swiss-born Adelaide Foster lived, studied, worked and became ordained living with Tibetans in India for 13 years, studying Buddhist philosophy in Tibetan in a traditional setting; she has subsequently returned to Europe and studied linguistics and cognitive science. In addition to teaching, she has also translated, including teachings given by the Dalai Lama.
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Current Tibetan Language Courses